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How to Train For Your First Trail Half Marathon

Amanda Wendorff

While completing a half marathon is a major accomplishment on any surface, some runners want the additional challenge of doing their half marathon on off-road trails. Training for your first trail half marathon can be very rewarding, as it will push you to adapt to the unpredictable challenges of nature's varied terrain, including steep elevations and diverse environments. Trail races test not just your physical stamina but also demand a strong mental fortitude and the ability to adjust to changing conditions.

This article contains some practical tips and strategies for training for and racing a trail half marathon. Our goal is to ensure that you not only cross the finish line of your first half marathon but also relish the challenging journey through the great outdoors.

Key Takeaways

In this article, we'll cover the following concepts and provide several training and racing tips for trail running:

  • The primary differences between traditional road races and trail races.
  • The unique skills and strengths you will need to handle different terrains and elevations.
  • How to adjust your half marathon training plan to best prepare you for a half marathon on the trails.
  • How to choose the right gear, such as trail shoes and hydration packs, for trail running.
  • The basics of a nutrition plan that fits the unique needs of trail racing.
MOTTIV app user Laura Yamasaki runs on a trail during a race in Kona, Hawaii.

Road Races vs. Trail Runs

In order to train effectively for a trail half marathon, it's important to understand the key differences between races completed on roads and those off-road. This knowledge will allow you to customize an effective training plan for your first half marathon.

Different Surfaces and Terrain

Perhaps the most obvious difference between a half marathon on the road and one on a trail is the terrain - runners in a trail race may encounter a variety of surfaces, such as dirt paths, rocky stretches, and muddy trails. This variance in terrain tests your physical agility and endurance, engaging you in a more dynamic running experience.

Each step on a trail requires careful navigation and quick adjustment, which create biomechanical strains that road running does not. The unpredictability of trails—from smooth dirt roads to rugged mountain tracks— means your training plan should include practice with every possible surface you might encounter.

More Challenging Elevation

Compared to most road races, half marathon trail runs tend to have more hills and overall elevation change. While half marathons on roads are often designed to be fast courses, trail half marathons are often designed with the goal of being challenging. Expect lots of ups and downs on varied surfaces, with plenty of obstacles to navigate.

A good trail half marathon training plan should include plenty of hills so that you can not only practice the mechanics of running uphill and downhill but also learn to pace yourself smartly and manage your energy well, allowing you to run faster overall.

Fewer Runners, Less Support

The atmosphere of a trail race can differ vastly from the crowded, high-energy environment of a road race. For the most part, trail marathons and half marathons tend to have fewer runners. Trail races, with their more intimate setting, offer a unique, often solitary running experience that can be both meditative and challenging.

The reduced number of participants and the limited support along the course means you'll need to be more self-sufficient and mentally tough. Prepare to face long stretches alone, manage your hydration and nutrition, and navigate the course without the constant presence of spectators and aid stations. This aspect of trail running appeals to those seeking a more personal and reflective running experience but also necessitates careful preparation in terms of equipment, nutrition, and self-reliance skills.

Skills Unique to Trail Running

The transition from road running to trail running is an exciting challenge but does require different skills and focuses. Generally, the same training principles apply to half marathons on the road and trail races - do most of your training at an easy, aerobic running pace, with some fast running mixed in. However, if you're going off-road, there are some specific skills you'll need to really hone in order to be ready to run a half marathon on the trails.

Technical Skills

The technical nature of trail running requires a set of skills that go beyond the basic endurance and speed needed for road racing. Trail runners must be adept at navigating uneven terrain, which includes dodging roots, rocks, and other obstacles while maintaining balance and forward momentum. This demands not only physical agility but also a strong mental focus so that you can anticipate and react to the trail's challenges.

To develop better technical skills, there's really no shortcut - the answer is lots of mileage on different surfaces. Get out and do as many training sessions on different trails as you can. Practice adjusting your stride, pace, and balance to account for changes in the ground beneath you.

Drills in the weight room that improve agility, balance, and reaction time are also good training for a trail half, as they help you to become more agile and confident on the trails.

Hill Running

If you're planning to run a half marathon on trails, there's no doubt about it - you need to practice running hills. Effective hill running is a cornerstone of trail running success and involves a combination of strength, technique, and pacing.

In preparation for your trail race, you should be running hills frequently throughout your training. During at least one or two runs a week, incorporate some targeted hill repeats. It's also a good idea to plan your long runs so that they involve significant elevation gain. In the gym, include specific exercises to strengthen the legs, core, and upper body.

Additionally, don't forget the importance of downhill running, which can significantly affect your overall race time and energy conservation. Run downhill often so that you can practice techniques like leaning into the hill, using a shorter stride, and engaging the core. For example, if you are doing a set of 8 hill repeats, include at least two fast downhill efforts.

Understanding when to run and when to hike hills is another vital skill for a good trail runner, as strategic walking on steep inclines can save energy and reduce the risk of injury. Many trail runners will alternate between running and walking at various times in a race. To make sure you're making that transition efficiently, get out there and practice mixing up running and walking as needed,


Trail running's uneven terrain demands a high level of biomechanical efficiency and stabilization. The constant shifts in direction, elevation, and surface type require runners to have excellent proprioception—the body's ability to sense its position in space—and the ability to quickly adjust to maintain balance and momentum.

Training for trail running should, therefore, include exercises that enhance core strength, balance, and flexibility, such as plyometrics, yoga, and stability ball workouts. These exercises will improve your ability to maintain form and efficiency on challenging trails, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. Stabilization is not only about physical strength but also about the mental ability to remain focused and adaptive throughout the race, making it a critical skill for trail runners.

MOTTIV app user Robb Watt is photographed during a trail race in Port Alberni, British Columbia!

How To Adapt Your Half Marathon Training Plan for a Trail Run

Knowing the unique skills needed for trail running, it's time to adapt your half marathon training plan for trail running. While the foundational elements of distance running training remain the same, the specifics of trail running will dictate some changes.

Do More Runs on Soft Surfaces

For most runners, the most significant adjustment for trail half marathon preparation is moving multiple runs per week off-road - ideally to trails, but at the very least, to soft surfaces. These runs not only acclimate your body to the physical demands of trail running but also enhance your technical skills and mental preparedness for variable terrain.

Incorporating soft surface runs into your weekly training schedule, including both long runs and shorter, more technical sessions, is crucial. This approach allows you to experience a range of trail conditions, from smooth dirt paths to technical single-track trails, building the versatility and resilience needed for trail racing. If you're lucky enough to live somewhere with lots of options for trail running, try out new routes often.

The bonus of devoting more of your training time to trail running is the overall benefit to your body. Soft surface running can reduce the impact on your joints and muscles, promoting recovery and reducing the risk of injury. For this reason, in the MOTTIV training app, we suggest that most runners complete their long, easy runs on soft surfaces, whether they are training for their first trail marathon or aiming for a 10k race on roads.

Focus On Effort, Not Pace

While many runners preparing for road races spend several miles per week running at precise paces, often their goal race pace, those who train for a half marathon on trails can rely more on feel. In fact, one of the most liberating aspects of trail running is the shift in focus from pace to effort. Given the variability of trail surfaces and elevations, maintaining a consistent pace is often impractical. Instead, training and racing by feel allows you to listen to your body and adjust your intensity based on the trail's challenges.

Training runs should include segments where you focus on maintaining a steady effort rather than a specific pace, which can be practiced on varied terrain to simulate race conditions. Learning to run by effort improves your ability to pace yourself on race day, leading to a more enjoyable and successful trail running experience.

Training based on perceived effort requires tuning into your breathing, muscle fatigue, and overall energy levels and using them as guides to manage your pace. This increased body awareness is good for any runner. If you can learn to run by feel effectively while training on the trails, you may find yourself having better pacing when you run roads again.

Spend More Time Focused on Strength

Strength training takes on increased importance in trail running due to the sport's physical demands, including navigating uneven terrain and tackling steep inclines. A comprehensive strength training program should target the muscles most used in trail running, including the calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core.

Exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, and plyometric drills can build the power and endurance needed for effective hill running. Core strengthening exercises, including planks, side planks, and rotational movements, enhance stability and balance on technical trails. Incorporating strength training into your weekly routine not only prepares your body for the rigors of trail running but also helps prevent injuries by improving muscle balance, joint stability, running economy, and overall durability.

Plan For Your First Trail Race

Preparing for a trail half marathon involves more than just adjusting the focus of your training plan, however. You should also spend some time figuring out your equipment and nutrition, as both have increased importance on the trails.

Dial In Your Equipment

Selecting the right equipment is crucial for trail running, where the terrain and conditions can vary dramatically. Trail shoes, which are running shoes designed with rugged soles for better grip and protection against rocks and roots, are essential for safe and comfortable running on trails. When choosing trail shoes, consider the specific features of the trails you'll be running on, such as the level of technicality and the typical weather conditions, to find a shoe that matches your needs.

A hydration pack is another critical piece of equipment, allowing you to carry water and nutrition on longer runs where aid stations may be sparse. Look for a hydration pack that fits snugly and comfortably, with enough capacity for your hydration needs and space for essential items like nutrition, a first aid kit, and a phone.

Test Your Nutrition

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in trail running, where the duration and intensity of runs can deplete energy reserves quickly. With fewer aid stations on trail courses, carrying and managing your nutrition becomes a personal responsibility. During training, experiment with different types of nutrition, including gels, chews, bars, and even real food, to find what works best for your body.

Pay attention to how different foods and fluids affect your energy levels, digestion, and overall comfort during long runs. Practice your nutrition strategy on long training runs to simulate race conditions, ensuring you know how much to consume and when. Proper nutrition testing helps avoid gastrointestinal issues on race day and ensures you have the energy to finish strong.


Training for your first trail half marathon extends beyond physical preparation, offering a chance to explore the beauty of nature, challenge your limits, and discover a new dimension of running. By adapting your training to the unique demands of trail running, focusing on technical skills, strength, and endurance, and carefully planning your equipment and nutrition, you're setting yourself up for a successful and memorable race. Embrace the adventure, respect the trail, and enjoy every moment of your first trail half marathon.

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Amanda Wendorff

| Author

Amanda Wendorff is a professional triathlete, focusing on the 70.3 and 140.6 Ironman distances. In the last several years she’s competed in multiple gravel bike races. Top Achievements: Top 3 Ironman Ireland and Ironman 70.3 Coquimbo, Multiple time top-5 finisher, 3rd Overall at Moran 166 Gravel Race in Michigan, Age group podium at Gravel Worlds, Big Sugar, and Ned Gravel in first year of gravel racing.

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