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ultramarathon training plan

Free 6 Month 100mile Ultramarathon Training Plan: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced

Matteo Laratta


Cody Moore

Last Updated:
November 28, 2024

An ultramarathon is one of the biggest endurance challenges a person can take on. Not only do you need to get physically fit enough to tackle the mileage, there's a mental component required to finish a race of that length. 

The training plans below are designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced runners to prepare over the course of 12 weeks (3 months). 

To start training confidently you should be:

  • comfortable running continuously for at least 60 minutes
  • comfortable performing some fast interval training runs
  • not brand new to running (even if you're training for your first ultra)

If you are brand new to running, then please check out one of our beginner training plans here.

The ultramarathon programs below are adapted from the training plans in our app, written by coaches who know exactly what it takes for amateur age group runners to reach their endurance race goals. 

In this post, you will learn: 

  • What is an ultramarathon?
  • What’s an average finish time for an ultramarathon?
  • How to train for an ultramarathon as a beginner, intermediate and advanced runner?
  • What is the average finish time for an ultramarathon?
  • How long you should train for an ultramarathon?
  • What is an average ultramarathon pace?
  • What is a 12 week ultramarathon training program
  • Trail running tips

To train for an ultramarathon you can absolutely use one of the training plans in this post or one of the other plans on our blog.

But if you really want a personalized program, a MOTTIV training plan is designed specifically for your abilities, goals, and schedule. Check out the MOTTIV training app here. You can use it for free and it includes much more detailed and personalized plans than we can include in a blog post.

Training Tips for Successfully Tackling an Ultra

Before diving into the training, let's start by answering some of the common questions people have about training and racing an ultramarathon.

What is an Ultramarathon?

The ultramarathon is often considered the ultimate running challenge. An ultramarathon is any race longer than a marathon (42.2 km). Generally starting at 50 kilometres, ultramarathons can reach distances above 200 miles. 

Some ultras will be road running events though most are trail races. They're often held in mountainous regions (like the famous Leadville 100 in Colorado or the Golden Ultra in BC, Canada), but some are hosted in deserts, and a few even happen in cities.

What is the Average Finish Time for an Ultramarathon?

Ultramarathon finish times will depend on the race distance, course conditions, and terrain. But there are some general finish time ranges for both elite and amateur endurance athletes doing their first ultramarathon.

Amateurs may expect the following finish times:

  • 50k Ultramarathon: 5-8 hours
  • 50 miles: 8-9 hours
  • 100k: 10-15 hours
  • 100 miles: 24-36 hours

Elite runners may expect the following finish times:

  • 50k Ultramarathon: Sub-4 hours
  • 50 miles: 5-7 hours
  • 100k: Sub-8 hours
  • 100 miles: 12-20 hours

Runners tend to finish road ultras faster than trail ultras just because off-road races have the added challenge of technical running and/or hills.

Another factor impacting finish times is the amount of time spent fueling. As races increase in distance, athletes require more food and hydration to keep going. For races above 50 kilometres, it becomes quite difficult to carry everything you need from the start, so stopping at aid stations is unavoidable and adds to finish times.

How Much to Train for an Ultramarathon

Ultramarathons require a ton of preparation no matter what level you’re starting at.

Your fitness background and your race expectations will combine to determine how much training you'll need to reach your goals. Use the calculator below to identify an optimal training load to get you there.

What Gear Do You Need to Train for an Ultramarathon

Training for an ultra isn't terribly different than half marathon or marathon training.  You'll need two key pieces of equipment:

  1. Proper running shoes.  (This article talks about what to look for in a good running shoe.)
  2. A chest-strap heart rate monitor to go along with your running watch, so you can stay in your heart rate training zones. (We'll talk more about HR zones later in this article.)

A note on shoes:  if you're doing a trail ultra, then trail running shoes are a non-negotiable. They'll provide you the cushioning and stability to stay injury-free on uneven surfaces during the long months of training. 

A headlamp can be a great option for training in the early morning before the sun comes up, and a running vest is useful for carrying fuel on your longer training days. 

Women have a few extra considerations when gearing up for running. This article will help women with the gear that will make their running experience more comfortable.

How to Pace an Ultramarathon (Finding Your Race Pace)

Pacing is critically important in any ultra endurance event.

Says Ultramarathon running coach Cody Moore, "The key to ultras is pacing yourself to go ‘all day’—it should feel frustratingly easy in the beginning to avoid burning out later."

Going too fast at any point in the race can drain your energy reserves and put you at risk of a DNF (did not finish). Even though a full marathon or a half (26.2 miles) are still long races, your marathon pace will be different than what ultramarathoners do at longer distances.

Use the calculator below to help you understand what your race pace should be based on your current fitness level.

Heart Rate Training Zones

We touched on this above in the gear section, but when you're training for an ultramarathon, most of your training will be spent at a very low intensity based on your own heart rate zones.

Running "easy" based on heart rate zones may have you training at slower paces than you might expect. But, training this way will allow you to build endurance without stressing your body more than it can handle. Here is a complete guide for understanding low heart rate training.

Calculate your heart rate training zones with this calculator:

Ultramarathon Training Pace Zones

HR zones will be used more than any other metric in a good ultramarathon training program but as you get closer to race day, you'll start using pace to guide many of your sessions.  

Use this calculator to identify your running paces in min/km and/or min/mile: 

What to Eat When Training for an Ultramarathon

Nutrition can make or break any run training plan. If your body doesn’t have the fuel it needs, it will not perform at its best in training or racing. Your ability to recover from your workouts will also be greatly reduced if your nutrition isn't ideal. 

Physiologists and nutritionists we've worked with believe proper nutrition and hydration can generate the same race results with half the training. This article discusses what to eat before your runs, and this article explains what you should eat during races in order to maximise your performance. 

Here are some of the biggest principles to know for a runner's diet plan:

  1. Eat as little processed food as possible
  2. Never under-fuel; it's just as dangerous as eating too much
  3. Try not to limit calories; healthy foods and good training will take care of weight management on their own.
  4. Always eat before AND after workouts
  5. Eat plenty of carbs before intense workouts to hit peak efforts in workouts
  6. Eat low-blood sugar foods before easier workouts to make your body efficient at producing energy

Use the calculator below to understand how many calories you should be consuming for a given workout or race.

Rest and Recovery

A critically important part of any training program is allowing your body to rest and absorb the training you've put it through. Rest comes in the form of the following:

  • Rest Days: Endurance athletes should take at least two days a week of either complete rest or very low-intensity training
  • Rest Weeks: Our run training plans have a rest week scheduled every third or fourth week, where total training time is cut by roughly 40%, allowing the body to rest and get ready for the next several weeks
  • Recovery Runs: Short, low intensity runs, are a great way to enhance the effectiveness of your training while not adding too much to your training load. We'll discuss this further in the article.

While you might want to train hard all the time, remember that Workouts + Rest = Progress. 

Tapering for an Ultramarathon

It's important to properly reduce training volume in the last couple of weeks before race day. Reducing training by 50-60% will allow your body to flush out any residual fatigue and absorb the training you’ve done over the past several weeks and months. 

The taper process is aimed at resting your body ahead of race day but this does not mean you'll be doing nothing! Your taper should include shorter bursts of speed to make sure your body is primed for race pace effort. It's also so you don’t feel flat when you get to the start line.

Take the taper process seriously, resting and sleeping as much as possible during taper week.

Trail Running Tips

A majority of ultra marathons are run on trails, which is why we suggest you do as many of your long runs as possible on terrain similar to your race. Road running can't fully prepare you for the demands of uneven, off-road type terrain, or doing a lot of running uphill. You'll need to incorporate hill training (making sure to include both uphill and downhill running), and remember hiking is an important part of your cross training.

Trail Ultramarathon Safety and Etiquette

When setting out for a trail run, there are a safety considerations to think about.

"If you’re on trails, always be prepared with a fully charged phone, downloaded maps, and enough fuel for emergencies," says Ultramarathon Running Coach Cody Moore.

Also, always let someone know where you're going and when you expect to be back.

Wildlife Encounters 

A wildlife encounter might sound cool but wild animals can be dangerous to interact with (even the cute ones!) Before you head out to the trails near you, do some research to make sure you know what kind of wildlife is in that area. You may need to carry a noise-maker or even a can of bear spray to stay safe.

Blocked Trails

The trails you run on may not always be in perfect condition and you can find yourself coming to a block in the road. Blockages can be caused by anything from fallen trees to deep snow or even wildlife. 

Generally, if you can avoid an obstacle by moving slightly around/over/under it, it's probably safe to carry on with the trail. But, if an obstacle requires a major unmarked detour, it's usually a better idea to turn back around.

Ultramarathon Training Plan Workouts 

Our run training plans are expertly crafted with the help of the coaches at Run Free Training who have a fantastic understanding of how to build training plans that are time efficient and get age group runners across their finish lines. The coaches are elite runners themselves who combine their experience and knowledge to create effective run training plans.

The intermediate ultramarathon training plan includes a perfect outline to get ready, and they are for athletes who are one of the following:

  • Athletes who have more time to train than just the bare minimum
  • Runners with at least six months of running experience
  • Dedicated runners looking to have a strong finish but are comfortable not trying to squeeze every last second of time out of their race performance 

Our intermediate ultramarathon training plan features these key weekly workouts:

Build Endurance with the Long Run / Easy Run

The most important workout for ultramarathon runners is (no surprise) the weekly long run; most runners do these on the weekend when they have more time available. The long run is done at low intensity, building up duration gradually to eventually reach upwards of 4 hours for an ultramarathon training plan.

You'll want to ideally avoid back-to-back long runs, giving yourself a rest day between runs if possible.

This run will build endurance and teach your body to produce the energy necessary to complete the distance of your race. You can learn all about the details of the long run in this article.

The Interval Run for Ultramarathon Training

The second most important run in a run training plan is a weekly interval run, which we call the Intense Run. Most athletes do this run on a weekday. The interval run will build your top-end speed and is based on your run paces determined in the calculator above. 

You can learn all about this hard effort and what to eat before and during the workout to get the most out of it in this article here.

The Tempo Run in an Ultramarathon Training Program

The weekly tempo run (which we call the Steady Run) bridges the gap between the endurance you build in the long run and the speed you build in the interval run. It teaches you how to run faster without getting tired.

Tempo runs have been proven to be a key component of a successful run training plan. You can learn all about tempo runs in this article here.

Recovery Running for an Ultra Runner

The words recovery and run may not always go hand in hand, and this is true to some extent. The purpose of the recovery run is not to provide recovery but to supplement your training in a way that doesn't impact the key sessions in your training week. 

Recovery runs will be very short and at a low intensity, giving you running stimulus without excess fatigue. These runs are also best performed on tired legs, as easy running on tired legs can have a big impact on fatigue resistance. The training plan below will have you perform an easy run the day after your long run to achieve this benefit.

For an in-depth understanding of the recovery run, this article will give you all the info you need about the purpose and planning of the recovery run.

Strength Training for Running an Ultramarathon

Cross-training with strength workouts is critical for athletes who don't want to simply finish their race but actually want to finish feeling strong. Strength work for runners has been proven in study after study to improve race performances. 

"Adding strength training, even a few minutes a couple of times a week, will help your body handle the cumulative impact forces of ultra distances," says Cody More.

Just one strength workout per week is plenty for runners to have a great race.

We believe so strongly in strength training that our app has 25 hours of guided strength workouts designed specifically for the needs and imbalances of endurance athletes. You can read all about strength training for runners here.

Our advanced ultramarathon training plan also adds this key weekly workout:

Mobility for Runners

Yoga for runners hasn't been shown to improve race day performance, but most athletes feel much better if they include some light stretching at least once per week. 

Our app has nearly 15 hours of guided mobility workouts that are based on Hatha and Yin yoga, which is slower and less intense than most yoga classes you'd do in a studio. You can read all about why we believe runners with more time available should include a mobility session in their training plan here.

100 Mile Ultramarathon Training Plans

Below are ultramarathon training plans designed for athletes to build running fitness and prepare you for your upcoming race. The plans will begin with a focus on developing baseline fitness with a reduced focus on intensity and a greater focus on strength and run durability. As the plan moves into its race preparation phase, you will spend more time at race specific intensity as you dial in for ultramarathon race day. This plan will ensure you will reach your start line ready for the task ahead.

Beginner runners are runners who:

  • Are not brand new to running (even if they're never run a race before) OR
  • May be returning to running after a few years away
  • Can run for at least 60 minutes
  • Want a training plan with as little training as possible that can still get them confidently across the finish line

Intermediate runners are runners who are:

  • Comfortable running continuously for at least 60 minutes
  • Comfortable performing some fast interval training runs
  • Not brand new to running (even if you're training for your first ultra)

Advanced runners are:

  • Comfortable running continuously for at least 60 minutes & performing fast interval runs
  • Have very few limitations on their time availability
  • Have an extensive background in exercise and training
  • Experienced runners looking to finish as fast as they possibly can

  • Week 1: Begin 100 mile Training. (2:40-3:35hrs)
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 8-10 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute uphill Zone 5 effort with easy jog downhill jogging recovery
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (45-65mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 10 minutes at tempo pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (75-90mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 2: Introduce Endurance & Speed Training. (3:20-4:30hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (45-65mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Running on hilly terrain if possible: 7 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 6 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 5 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 4 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (45-65mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 30 minutes running steady at tempo pace 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (110-140mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 3: Fitness Testing & Zone Development. (2:30-3:10hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second Zone 5 effort uphill with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 7 times: 5 minutes at tempo pace, 1 minute jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Run Time Trial. (60mins): 
  •    Warm Up. 10 Minutes: 5 minute easy jogging warm up with 5 minutes of running drills and dynamic stretching. Include 5x50m strides building to Zone 4 effort 
  •    Running Time Trial. 3 kilometres (1.86 miles): Run this distance as fast as possible 
  •    Cool Down. Run easy for the rest of the run 
  • Week 4: Adapt to New Training Zones. (3:20-4:30hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 8-10 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 3 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 6 times: 1 mile at tempo pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (120-150mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 5: Build Endurance & Speed. (4:10-4:50hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second Zone 5 effort uphill with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 40 minutes running steady at tempo pace 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (150mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 6: Build Endurance & Speed. (4:55-5:35hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (55-75mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 16-18 times, running on hilly terrain if possible: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute at fast Zone 5 pace with 1 minute easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 6 times: 2 kilometres at tempo pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (180mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 7: Recovery Week. (2:55-3:45hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 2 minutes at fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes at fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 4 minutes at fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes at fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 2 minutes at fast Zone 5 effort with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (45-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 25 minutes running steady at tempo pace 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (90-105mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 8: Adapt to New Training Phase. (4:35-5:10hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (60-75mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 10-11 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 2 minute uphill interval at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (55-75mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 5 times: 10 minutes at tempo pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (160mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 9: Build Endurance & Speed. (5:20-6:00hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 7 times: 5 minutes at 10k race effort, 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 4 miles at tempo pace with 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery, 3 miles at tempo pace with 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery, 2 miles at tempo pace with 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (200mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 10: Build Endurance & Speed. (5:35-6:15hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (70-90mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set 1. Repeat 12 times: 1 minute at Zone 5 effort running uphill, easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Recovery Interval. 5 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1 
  •    Main Set 2. Repeat 12 times: 30 second Zone 5 effort uphill with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (55-75mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 15 minutes at tempo pace 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (210mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 11: Fitness Testing & Zone Development. (2:25-2:50hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 12-14 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (50-65mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 4 Miles: Run steady at tempo pace 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Run Time Trial. (80mins): 
  •    Warm Up. 10 Minutes: 5 minute easy jogging warm up with 5 minutes of running drills and dynamic stretching. Include 5x50m strides building to Zone 4 effort 
  •    Running Time Trial. 3 kilometres (1.86 miles): Run this distance as fast as possible 
  •    Cool Down. Run easy for the rest of the run 
  • Week 12: Adapt to New Training Zones. (4:40-5:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (70-90mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-20 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 2 minute uphill interval at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  • 25-35 minutes of run specific strength training
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 4 times: 12 minutes at tempo pace 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (190mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 13: Build Endurance & Speed. (5:50-6:30hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (55-75mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 4 times, running on hilly terrain if possible: 3 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 2 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 1 minute fast Zone 5 effort with 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (65-85mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 20 minutes at tempo pace 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (230mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 14: Build Endurance & Speed. (6:20-8:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (80-100mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 8 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 7 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 6 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 5 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 4 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 3 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 3 miles at tempo pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (260-320mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 15: Recovery Week. (2:30-3:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-55mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second Zone 5 effort uphill with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 7 times: 5 minutes at tempo pace, 1 minute jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (60-75mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 16: Adapt to New Training Phase. (5:25-6:00hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 22-24 times, running on hilly terrain if possible: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute at fast Zone 5 pace with 1 minute easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day  
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (45-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 40 minutes running steady at tempo pace 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (220mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 17: Build Endurance & Speed. (6:55-8:35hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (70-90mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 6-8 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 5 minutes strong uphill Zone 4 effort, easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (65-85mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 25 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 20 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 15 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (280-340mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 18: Recovery Week. (2:30-3:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-55mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second Zone 5 effort uphill with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 7 times: 5 minutes at tempo pace, 1 minute jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (60-75mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 19: Build Endurance & Speed. (6:40-7:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (55-75mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 4 times, running on hilly terrain if possible: 3 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 2 minutes fast Zone 5 effort with 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 1 minute fast Zone 5 effort with 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (65-85mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 20 minutes at tempo pace 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (280mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 20: Build Endurance & Speed. (7:00-8:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (80-100mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 8 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 7 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 6 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 5 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 4 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery, 3 minutes interval uphill at moderate Zone 4 effort with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 3 miles at tempo pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (280-320mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 21: Recovery Week. (2:30-3:20hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (40-55mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second Zone 5 effort uphill with an easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (50-70mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 7 times: 5 minutes at tempo pace, 1 minute jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (60-75mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 22: Peak 100mile Training. (6:35-7:10hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (60-80mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 22-24 times, running on hilly terrain if possible: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute at fast Zone 5 pace with 1 minute easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10-15 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (45-60mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 40 minutes running steady at tempo pace 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (290mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 23: Final Peak 100mile Training Week. (7:05-8:45hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Intense Run. (70-90mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. Repeat 6-8 times: End when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 5 minutes strong uphill Zone 4 effort, easy downhill jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Steady Run. (65-85mins):
  •    Warm Up. 10-15 minutes of easy jogging in Zone 2 with 5 minutes of running drills. Include 5x15 second strides at Zone 4 effort 
  •    Main Set. 25 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 20 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery, 15 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minutes easy jogging recovery 
  •    Cool Down. 10 minutes easy jogging in Zone 2 
  •   Friday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Rest Day 
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Sunday. Long Run. (290-350mins): 
  •    Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate. Ideally on terrain similar to your race
  • Week 24: Taper Week. (0:25hrs):
  •   Monday. Rest Day
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Tuesday. Rest Day
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Wednesday. Rest Day
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Thursday. Easy Run. (15mins): 
  •    Entire run is at easy effort except for a few race priming efforts
  •    Priming Efforts. Repeat 3 times: 1 minute at race effort, taking whatever rest you need between efforts to feel totally recovered
  •   Friday. Rest Day
  •    Take it easy and rest up for the effort to come
  •   Saturday. Easy Run. (10mins)
  •    Run easy to prepare for race day
  •   Sunday. Race Day.
  •    You’re ready to nail this 100 mile race!!


Having dipped your toes into the waters of ultrarunning, you’ve likely come to one of two conclusions: 

  • I will never run another ultra again 
  • Ultra running is now my entire personality!!!

Of course these may not be your exact thoughts after an ultra but nevertheless at this point it is likely time to reevaluate your goals and maybe move on to your next challenge. Maybe now is the time to take on the world of multisport? Triathlon or Duathlon can be an excellent next step on your journey requiring you to focus on not just one but two or three sports in one event. 

No matter what your next challenge is, completing this ultramarathon training plan will have built a large base of fitness that will carry over into your next challenge, whatever it may be.

If you're looking to set big personal goals, and you want the best for your body, check out our app with unlimited options for endurance sports training. You can choose a training plan setup that's personalized specifically for you, and will get you training as well as you could possibly imagine.

You're ready to take on that big challenge, and when you train with MOTTIV, you're ready for race day!


With Mottiv, you're ready

The only app with personalized training plans designed specifically for real people who want to accomplish something amazing in endurance sports.

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